Veranstaltungen / Events 18.2.2025 {Düsseldorf, Germany) CIC 2025 21.11.2014 (online) Smart City Standards Forum 3.-4.10.2024 (Bologna, Italy) IFIB 2024 26.9.2024 (Bergen, Norway) Biosirkel Forum 19.9.2024 (Fellbach, Germany) 5. Bioökonomiekongress Baden-Württemberg 21.8.2024 (San José; Costa Rica) Simbiosis 2024 10.7.2024 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) Kreislaufstadt – Chancen für lokale und regionale Resilienz & Wertschöpfung 12.-15.6.2024 (Katowice, Poland) EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2024 26.4.2024 (online) ESAB-SKB webinar on Biomanufacturing 19.2.2024 (Mannheim, Germany) Bio4Rivers 21.-22.2.2024 (Düsseldorf, Germany) CIC2024 18.1.2024 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) From Science to Business – Wirtschaftliches Potential von F&E-Projekten der Bioökonomie entfalten 10.11.2023 (Giessen, Germany) Berufsverband Agrar Ernährung Umwelt 28.-29.9.2023 (Firence, Italy) Italian Forum Biotechnology 24.-28.7.2023 (Thessaloniki, Greece) Summer-School Bioeconomy 20.6.2023 (Naples, Italy) 18.4.2023 (Stuttgart, Germany) Wege zum Erfolg - eine Navigationshilfe durch herausfordernde Rahmenbedingungen 30.3.2023 (Hanau, Germany) Lions-Club Maintal Bioökonomie - Das Wirtschaftskonzept für den Klimaschutz 14.-15.2.2023 (Düsseldorf, Germany) CIC 2023 10.11.2022 (Berlin, Germany) DIN-Connect Pitch Bilanzierung von Treibhausgas-Emissionen 9.11.2022 (Frankfurt, Germany) BioBall Neue Nutzung organischer Abfallstoffe 18.10.2022 (Ludwigshafen; Germany) VCW Jahreskonferenz 2022 29.-30.9.2022 (Bari; Italy) Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology 26.-28.9.2022 (Stuttgart, Germany) 14.9.2022 (Stralsund; Germany) Bioökonomie an Marinen Standorten - Symposion 5.-9.9.2022 (Thessaloniki; Greece) 4th Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy 21.7.2022 (Naples; Italy) NextTerra: Value based pricing: set the price based on consumers' perceived value 12.-13.5.2022 (Frankfurt am Main; Germany) IPM2022: Transform the European Process Industries 21.-22.4.2022 (Lecce, Italy) BioInItaly Investment Forum 23.3.2022 (online) Bewertung von bioökonomischen Prozessketten 1.-2.2.2022 (Düsseldorf, Germany) CLIB International Conference 2022 3.11.2021 (online) AFOB Environmental Biotechnology Division 4.10.2021 (Tutzing, Germany) acatech: CO als Abfall und Rohstoff 29.-30.9.2021 (Trento, Italy) Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology 6.-10.9.2021 (online) 25.8.2021 (online) Queensland Bioeconomy Forum 2021 Brisbane, Australia 30.6.2021 (online) "Financing for #SMEs in #HorizonEurope: tips for application and success stories...” (Chimica verde Lombardia; Italy)
25.3.2021 (online)
2.3.2021 (online) BaMS Annual Meeting (Marine Bioeconomy) 26.11.2020; Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany (online) 5. Biotechnologietage 19.-20.11.2020; Berlin, Germany (online) Global Bioeconomy Summit 5.-9.10.2020; Brussels, Italy (online) European Forum of Biotechnology 1.-2.10.2020; Rome, Italy (online) Italian Forum Bioeconomy 21.-22.9.2020; Hohenheim, Germany (online) International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg 30.3.2020; Frankfurt, Germany BioBall Bioökonomie im Ballungsraum 3.-4.3.2020, Kiel, Germany BaMS Bioökonomie auf Marinen Standorten 27.2.2020, Frankfurt, Germany European Chemical Partnering 5.-7.2.2020, Düsseldorf, Germany CLIB International Conference 2020 15.10.2019, Cēsis, Litvia Bioeconomy forum 1.10.2019; Brussels, Belgium EFIB2019 3-.4.10.2019; Napoli, Italy IFIB2019 8.8.2019; Sao Paulo, Brazil Forum Brasil Bioeconomia 2019 25.6.2019; Brussels, Belgium ECRN: Realising the bioeconomy potential in the European regions 14.4.2019. Köln, Germany Assessing bio-based value chains 9.-10.4.2019; Würzburg, Germany Deutsche Biotechnologietage 28.3.2019; Berlin, Germany Fraunhofer ISI: Transformation_Bio 10.-11.3.2019; Tutzing, Germany acatech: Bioökonomie und Gesellschaft 28.2.2019, Krefeld, Germany RIN-Jahrestagung
27.-28.9.2018.; Torino, Italy International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy IFIB 2018 . 7.-8. 6. 2018; Kraków (Poland) Building a biomass innovation ecosystem in a circular bioeconomy in Poland . 25. 5. 2018; Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Green Rio; Bioeconomy Expert Discussion: Driving R&D cooperation between Brazil and Germany . 22.-23. 5. 2018; Frankfurt (Germany) innovate4climate . 3. 5. 2018; Stuttgart (Germany) EcoFit . 19.-10.4. 2018 (Berlin (Germany) Global Bioeconomy Summit . 17.-18.4. 2018; Berlin (Germany) Status-Konferenz CO2Plus; Berlin (Germany) . 17.-18.1.2018; Düsseldorf (Germany) CLIB International Conference . 4.12.2017; Frankfurt am Main (Germany) BioBall - Bioökonomie im Ballungsraum . 27.-29.11.2017; Qingdao (China) 2017 Qingdao International Technology Transfer Conference & Aoshan Forum for Eurasia on Science and Technology . 20.11.2017; Fellbach (Germany) Plan B – Biologisierung industrieller Prozesse und Rückgewinnung von Rohstoffen . 8.11.2017; Düsseldorf (Germany) Regionale Innovationspotentiale durch zirkuläre Wertschöpfung . 17.-19.10.2017; Campos Do Jordao (Brazil) Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference . 5.-6.10.2017 Rome (Italy) Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology . 23.-26.7.2017 Montreal (Canada) Bio World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology . 22.-23.5.2017 Berlin (Germany) Global Bioplastics Summit . 5.-6.4.2017 Hannover (Germany) Deutsche Biotechnologietage . 30.-31.3.2017 České Budějovice (Czechia) Sustainable Fuels . 23.-24.3.2017 Paris (France) Sofinnova Renewable Chemistry Days . 9.-10.2.2017 Nijmegen (Netherlands) First Dutch Science and Innovation Days . 17.-18.1.2017 Duesseldorf (Germany) CIC2017 . 6.-12.11.2016 (China) CLIB2021 Bioeconomy Delegation to China . 30.10.-1.11.2016 Sao Paulo (Brazil) SCOPE Bioenergy & Sustainability Workshop . 6.-7.10.2016 Lodz (Poland) European Bioeconomy Congress . 25.9.-1.10.2016 (Canada) CLIB2021-Bioeconomy Delegation to Canada . 17.-20.4.2016 San Diego (USA) BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology . 6.-9.3.2016 Rotterdam (Netherlands) Eco-Bio . 25.-26.11.2015 Berlin (Germany) Bio-economy Summit . 18.-19.11.2015 Moscow (Russia) Graintech 2015 . 17.11.2015 Moscow (Russia) Cooperation between Russia and Germany in Bioeconomy . 16.11.2015 Pushchino (Russia) Russian-German Forum "Bioeconomy and Biomedicine" . 14.-16.10.2015 Qingdao (China) 2. International Conference on Technology Transfer of Qingdao . 27.9.-1.10.2015 Nice (France) ECCE10+ECAB3+EPIC5 . 24.-25.9.2015 Lodi (Italy) Italian Forum in Industrial Biotechnology . 23.-25.7.2015 Tianjin (China) BIOECOMOY 2015: Green Biological Manufacturing . 19.-22.7.2015 Montreal (Canada) BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology . 8 7.2015 Brussels (Belgium) RIM plus 2015-2016 . 21.-22.5.2015 Ufa (Russia) 5th International Petrochemical Forum . 29.4.2015 Brussels (Belgium) RIM Plus workshop . 20.-24.4.2015 Nanjing, Qingdao, Beijing (China) CLIB-China Delegation Trip . 30.3.-2.4.2015 Delft (The Netherlands) 10th Anniversary BE-Basic . 25.3.2015 Peterborough (Great Britain) InCrops Annual Conference . 19. 3. 2015 Delft (The Netherlands) Bioprocess Pilot Facility Opening . 3. 3. 2015 Marburg (Germany) VAAM Annual Meeting . 27.2. 2015 Paris (France) Renewable Chemistry Day . 29.1.2015 Prague (Czech Republic) Bio-Based Materials Seminar . 22.1.2015 Brussels (Belgium) mKETs Final Conference . 8.12.2014 Marl (Germany) Chemieforum NRW 2014 . 05.12.2014 Moscow (Russia) Fostering R&D-Cooperation between German and Russian Stakeholders in the Bioeconomy, esp. in Industrial Biotechnology
26.-28.11.2014 Venice (Italy) NanotechItaly 2014
20.11.2014 Frankfurt/Main (Germany) Industrie 2030 - Bioökonomie und Kreislaufwirtschaft: Perspektiven für eine nachhaltig erfolgreiche Wirtschaft in Hessen . 19.-20.11.2014 Düsseldorf (Germany) CLIB International Conference 2014
04.11.2014 Berlin (Germany) BMEL Bioökonomie - Nachhaltige Alternative zur fossilen Wirtschaft?
14.-15.10.2014 Lodz (Poland) 7th European Economic Forum
18.09.2014 Krefeld (Germany) Regional Innovation Network - Kick-off
25.-26.09.2014 Genua (Italy) Italian Forum Industrial Biotechnology
10.09.2014 Brussels (Belgium) Bio-Based Global Summit
02.-03.09.2014 Antwerp (Belgium) i-SUP 2014
03.-07.09.2014 Goiania (Brazil) AgroEnviron 2014
03.07.2014 Cologne (Germany) Workshop Global Biomass
12.-13.06.2014 Lodi (Italy) CLIB Italy Delegation
10.06.2014 Cologne (Germany) ACI's Biochemicals & Bioplastics 2014
26.05.2014 Karlsruhe (Germany) 1. Chinese-German Workshop on Bio-Economy
21.-23.05.2014 Sao Paulo (Brazil) CLIB Delegation to Brazil
12.-15.05.2014 Philadelphia (USA) Bio World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology
19.05.2014 Düsseldorf (Germany) BioInnovation Growth mega-Cluster BIG-C
28.-29.04.2014 Dalian (China) 5th DNA & Genome Day
28.03.2014 Bath (GB) IBTI Dissemination Event
27.03.2014 Aachen (Germany) Economic Conference Flanders - North-Rhine Westfalia
23.01.2014 Berlin (Germany) Natutec
| KADIB präsentiert Themen der Bioökonomie auf internationalen Konferenzen KADIB presents bioeconomy topics on international conferences | ||||||