Veranstaltungen / Events

18.2.2025 {Düsseldorf, Germany)

CIC 2025

21.11.2014 (online)

Smart City Standards Forum

3.-4.10.2024 (Bologna, Italy)

IFIB 2024

26.9.2024 (Bergen, Norway)

Biosirkel Forum

19.9.2024 (Fellbach, Germany)

5. Bioökonomiekongress Baden-Württemberg

21.8.2024 (San José; Costa Rica)

Simbiosis 2024

10.7.2024 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

Kreislaufstadt – Chancen für lokale und regionale Resilienz & Wertschöpfung

12.-15.6.2024 (Katowice, Poland)

EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2024

26.4.2024 (online)

ESAB-SKB webinar on Biomanufacturing

19.2.2024 (Mannheim, Germany)


21.-22.2.2024 (Düsseldorf, Germany)


18.1.2024 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

From Science to Business – Wirtschaftliches Potential von F&E-Projekten der Bioökonomie entfalten

10.11.2023 (Giessen, Germany)

Berufsverband Agrar Ernährung Umwelt

28.-29.9.2023 (Firence, Italy)

Italian Forum Biotechnology 

24.-28.7.2023 (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Summer-School Bioeconomy

20.6.2023 (Naples, Italy)
TerraNext Workshop
Value based pricing : Set the price based on the value perceived by the consumer

18.4.2023 (Stuttgart, Germany)

Wege zum Erfolg - eine Navigationshilfe durch herausfordernde Rahmenbedingungen

30.3.2023 (Hanau, Germany)

Lions-Club Maintal

Bioökonomie - Das Wirtschaftskonzept für den Klimaschutz

14.-15.2.2023 (Düsseldorf, Germany)

CIC 2023

10.11.2022 (Berlin, Germany)

DIN-Connect Pitch 

Bilanzierung von Treibhausgas-Emissionen

9.11.2022 (Frankfurt, Germany)


Neue Nutzung organischer Abfallstoffe

18.10.2022 (Ludwigshafen; Germany)

VCW Jahreskonferenz 2022
„Globale Neujustierung von Material- und Wertflüssen“

29.-30.9.2022 (Bari; Italy)

Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology

26.-28.9.2022 (Stuttgart, Germany)
4. Bioökonomiekongress Baden-Württemberg

14.9.2022 (Stralsund; Germany)

Bioökonomie an Marinen Standorten - Symposion

5.-9.9.2022 (Thessaloniki; Greece)

4th Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy

21.7.2022 (Naples; Italy)

NextTerra: Value based pricing: set the price based on consumers' perceived value

12.-13.5.2022 (Frankfurt am Main; Germany)

IPM2022: Transform the European Process Industries

21.-22.4.2022 (Lecce, Italy)

BioInItaly Investment Forum

23.3.2022 (online)

Bewertung von bioökonomischen Prozessketten

1.-2.2.2022 (Düsseldorf, Germany)

CLIB International Conference 2022

3.11.2021 (online)

AFOB Environmental Biotechnology Division

4.10.2021 (Tutzing, Germany)

acatech: CO als Abfall und Rohstoff

29.-30.9.2021 (Trento, Italy)

Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology

6.-10.9.2021 (online)
3rd Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy and
Sustainable Development 
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

25.8.2021 (online)

Queensland Bioeconomy Forum 2021

Brisbane, Australia

30.6.2021 (online)

"Financing for #SMEs in #HorizonEurope: tips for application and success stories...” (Chimica verde Lombardia; Italy)

10.-14.5.2021 (online)
European Conference on Biotechnology (EFB)

25.3.2021 (online)
VCW-Konferenz (GdCh)

3.-4.3.2021 (online)
8. PIUS LänderKonferenz 

2.3.2021 (online)

BaMS Annual Meeting (Marine Bioeconomy)

26.11.2020; Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany (online)

5. Biotechnologietage

19.-20.11.2020; Berlin, Germany (online)

Global Bioeconomy Summit

5.-9.10.2020; Brussels, Italy (online)

European Forum of Biotechnology

1.-2.10.2020; Rome, Italy (online)

Italian Forum Bioeconomy

21.-22.9.2020; Hohenheim, Germany (online)

International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg

30.3.2020; Frankfurt, Germany

BioBall Bioökonomie im Ballungsraum

3.-4.3.2020, Kiel, Germany

BaMS Bioökonomie auf Marinen Standorten

27.2.2020, Frankfurt, Germany

European Chemical Partnering

5.-7.2.2020, Düsseldorf, Germany

CLIB International Conference 2020

15.10.2019, Cēsis, Litvia

Bioeconomy forum

1.10.2019; Brussels, Belgium


3-.4.10.2019; Napoli, Italy


8.8.2019; Sao Paulo, Brazil

Forum Brasil Bioeconomia 2019

25.6.2019; Brussels, Belgium

ECRN: Realising the bioeconomy potential in the European regions

14.4.2019. Köln, Germany

Assessing bio-based value chains

9.-10.4.2019; Würzburg, Germany

Deutsche Biotechnologietage

28.3.2019; Berlin, Germany

Fraunhofer ISI: Transformation_Bio

10.-11.3.2019; Tutzing, Germany

acatech: Bioökonomie und Gesellschaft

28.2.2019, Krefeld, Germany



27.-28.9.2018.; Torino, Italy

International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy IFIB 2018


7.-8. 6. 2018; Kraków (Poland)

Building a biomass innovation ecosystem in a circular bioeconomy in Poland


25. 5. 2018; Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Green Rio; Bioeconomy Expert Discussion: Driving R&D cooperation between Brazil and Germany


22.-23. 5. 2018; Frankfurt (Germany)



3. 5. 2018; Stuttgart (Germany)



19.-10.4. 2018 (Berlin (Germany)

Global Bioeconomy Summit


17.-18.4. 2018; Berlin (Germany)

Status-Konferenz CO2Plus; Berlin (Germany)


17.-18.1.2018; Düsseldorf (Germany) 

CLIB International Conference


4.12.2017; Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

BioBall - Bioökonomie im Ballungsraum


27.-29.11.2017; Qingdao (China)

2017 Qingdao International Technology Transfer Conference

& Aoshan Forum for Eurasia on Science and Technology


20.11.2017; Fellbach (Germany)

Plan B  – Biologisierung industrieller Prozesse und Rückgewinnung von Rohstoffen


8.11.2017; Düsseldorf (Germany)

Regionale Innovationspotentiale durch zirkuläre Wertschöpfung


17.-19.10.2017; Campos Do Jordao (Brazil)

Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference


5.-6.10.2017 Rome (Italy)

Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology


23.-26.7.2017 Montreal (Canada)

Bio World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology


22.-23.5.2017 Berlin (Germany)

Global Bioplastics Summit


5.-6.4.2017 Hannover (Germany)

Deutsche Biotechnologietage


30.-31.3.2017 České Budějovice (Czechia)

Sustainable Fuels


23.-24.3.2017 Paris (France)

Sofinnova Renewable Chemistry Days


9.-10.2.2017 Nijmegen (Netherlands)

First Dutch Science and Innovation Days


17.-18.1.2017 Duesseldorf (Germany)



6.-12.11.2016 (China)

CLIB2021 Bioeconomy Delegation to China


30.10.-1.11.2016 Sao Paulo (Brazil)

SCOPE Bioenergy & Sustainability Workshop


6.-7.10.2016   Lodz (Poland)

European Bioeconomy Congress


25.9.-1.10.2016 (Canada)

CLIB2021-Bioeconomy Delegation to Canada


17.-20.4.2016  San Diego (USA)

BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology


6.-9.3.2016      Rotterdam (Netherlands)



25.-26.11.2015 Berlin (Germany)

Bio-economy Summit


18.-19.11.2015   Moscow (Russia)

Graintech 2015


17.11.2015         Moscow (Russia)

Cooperation between Russia and Germany in Bioeconomy


16.11.2015         Pushchino (Russia)

Russian-German Forum "Bioeconomy and Biomedicine"


14.-16.10.2015   Qingdao (China)

2. International Conference on Technology Transfer of Qingdao


27.9.-1.10.2015 Nice (France)



24.-25.9.2015   Lodi (Italy)

Italian Forum in Industrial Biotechnology


23.-25.7.2015   Tianjin (China)

BIOECOMOY 2015: Green Biological Manufacturing


19.-22.7.2015   Montreal (Canada)

BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology


8 7.2015           Brussels (Belgium)

RIM plus 2015-2016


21.-22.5.2015   Ufa  (Russia)

5th International Petrochemical Forum


29.4.2015      Brussels (Belgium) 

RIM Plus workshop 


20.-24.4.2015    Nanjing, Qingdao, Beijing (China)

CLIB-China Delegation Trip


30.3.-2.4.2015   Delft (The Netherlands)

10th Anniversary BE-Basic


25.3.2015          Peterborough (Great Britain)

InCrops Annual Conference


19. 3. 2015        Delft (The Netherlands)

Bioprocess Pilot Facility Opening


3. 3. 2015          Marburg (Germany)

VAAM Annual Meeting 


27.2. 2015         Paris (France)

Renewable Chemistry Day


29.1.2015          Prague (Czech Republic)

Bio-Based Materials Seminar


22.1.2015          Brussels (Belgium)

mKETs Final Conference


8.12.2014          Marl (Germany)

Chemieforum NRW 2014


05.12.2014        Moscow (Russia)

Fostering R&D-Cooperation between German and Russian Stakeholders in the Bioeconomy, esp. in Industrial Biotechnology 


26.-28.11.2014  Venice (Italy)

NanotechItaly 2014


20.11.2014       Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Industrie 2030 - Bioökonomie und Kreislaufwirtschaft: Perspektiven für eine nachhaltig erfolgreiche Wirtschaft in Hessen


19.-20.11.2014 Düsseldorf (Germany)

CLIB International Conference 2014      


04.11.2014        Berlin (Germany)  

BMEL Bioökonomie - Nachhaltige Alternative zur fossilen Wirtschaft?


14.-15.10.2014 Lodz (Poland)

7th European Economic Forum


18.09.2014       Krefeld (Germany)

Regional Innovation Network - Kick-off


25.-26.09.2014 Genua (Italy)

Italian Forum Industrial Biotechnology 


10.09.2014        Brussels (Belgium)

Bio-Based Global Summit


02.-03.09.2014  Antwerp (Belgium)

i-SUP 2014


03.-07.09.2014  Goiania (Brazil)

AgroEnviron 2014


03.07.2014         Cologne (Germany)

Workshop Global Biomass


12.-13.06.2014   Lodi (Italy)

CLIB Italy Delegation


10.06.2014         Cologne (Germany)

ACI's Biochemicals & Bioplastics 2014


26.05.2014         Karlsruhe (Germany)

1. Chinese-German Workshop on Bio-Economy


21.-23.05.2014  Sao Paulo (Brazil)

CLIB Delegation to Brazil


12.-15.05.2014  Philadelphia (USA)

Bio World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology


19.05.2014        Düsseldorf (Germany)

BioInnovation Growth mega-Cluster BIG-C 


28.-29.04.2014  Dalian (China)

5th DNA & Genome Day


28.03.2014         Bath (GB)

IBTI Dissemination Event


27.03.2014         Aachen (Germany)

Economic Conference Flanders - North-Rhine Westfalia


23.01.2014         Berlin (Germany)






























KADIB präsentiert Themen der Bioökonomie auf internationalen Konferenzen

KADIB presents bioeconomy topics on international conferences